Here I am again. I am reading my journals looking for stuff to write about. I am happy to share the following memories.

Memories of visits to S in Wales…those early times when her daughter and my 3 wherein bed and we would sit and drink tea/wine and talk and talk.

Going to visit some friends of S who lived further into Wales and thinking “no one knows where I am” This was in the days before mobiles.

Memories of Guildford…The first time we actually came to look at the house we live in. It felt so sunny and right.

Taking two youngsters out on “punishment walks” when things got a bit stressful at home

Playing bat and ball in the gardens when we lived in Linkway.

Going over to Kings Collage when it was called Park Barn to a parents evening with son no 1.Talking to Mr Hunt…his drama teacher in semi-darkness because of a power cut. It may have been during the miner’s strike. (nope the strike was in 1984 – I was in a secondary school in 1988-1992!!! – and you’re a miners daughter!!! Keep up with your family history LOL  – son1 aka T-Jay!)

Memories from Childhood…Christmas party time at the village school when we lived in a place called High Lee when Dad was in the army. Not being allowed to go over the yard for a wee and wetting myself when Santa arrived

Falling “in love” with “Tommy Craggs” a butcher who used to live with his parents next door but one to us in Peterlee. I can not remember how old I was. Ian Bennett…or “Ben” a boy in my class at school….wonder what happened to him.” George” a bus conductor that was on the buses that I travelled on to Sunderland to work. And “Eddy???” if that was even his name….a passenger daily on the bus to Sunderland I lusted after and Neville an electrical at Janet  Frazers who remember dies with a brain tumour

Having my tooth out on my birthday. Distance memory of a darkened room, bunsen burner and Blood. And having the toffee that my nana had sent taken of me.

Work Memories…My first day on the wards when I started as a novice Health Care Assistant. When a patient would call out  “Nurse” I would look around….”Who? Me??…SCARY.

Working in P A Bakers…A TV rental/buy scop. I was a cashier. We (Me and Ron ) lived in the flat above the shop. Barry and Steve were my colleagues. Fancied Barry for some strange reason for the whole of one day!

Darren ….a mate and boss in catering…A lovely person

Other memories of my visits to Sheilas…Having an extra stay with her 50th birthday year. Druggy chocolate brownies and champagne. Talking to 4 am and being in the garden in the morning eating strawberries and drinking flat champagne.

One of my Welsh visits trying wigs on and having fun in a party shop.

First-ever trip with 3 kids. We went on a coach trip to Longleat Safari park with the woman refuge that S used to work at.
(Wales to Longleat – AFTER going from G’ford to Wales – that was a killer!!! – son1 – aka TJ)

Memories of Mum and Dad… mum being very jealous of me having a fridge when they visited us in Newbury when we both lived in the flat when we both worked for PA Bakers.

Getting good hiding from my dad because I had been creeping down the stairs “stealing” sultanas.

My dad sitting on the bed in the front room when my Mum dies….feeling very angry and bitter. At the time we were living in Berkshire and had travelled back north with a very young son no 1. In hindsight, I think my Dad was feeling very “lost”.

My mum wanting one of us(usually me) to share her bed when my dad was on the night shift.

Memories of my brothers/sister…..I remember vaguely ….just worked out I was 7…my sister M being born. Was told on my return home after school

I remember taking youngest brother D out in the pram and he nearly fell out of the pram…thankfully he had reins on and he didn’t. I was married to Ron when I actually confessed that to my Dad……mum never knew

Being very upset when brother no1 had to go to Ireland when he was in the army.

Rolling eggs and ourselves down Primrose Hill when we had been taken there for a picnic

Playing in the wood with neighbours friends when dad was in the army in Cheshire.

A very vague memory of my Dad taking me to the cinema.I must have been 3/4. We saw Charlie Chaplin and I remember him eating a flower

Memories of my children….son no 3…….Enjoying every minute of the first year of his life…his babyhood as he was my last baby. He had his fair share of A/E visit and trips to the plaster room….at least 2 wrists/One leg and a finger.When he first became so tall and giving me one of his specials cuddles that he used to go up on his toes.

Son no 1 turning up blond…I did get used to it. Joining him at Gay Pride one year and walking it with him. Him running out of school (first school) and the lady from the office grabbing him.

Memories of Ron…..Seeing him doing gardening work among the flowers bed at the top of Vilette Rd in Sunderland…before I met him. The flowers were marigolds…..I was 17 and he must have been 25.

Meeting up the 2nd time….after learning that his 1st marriage had failed. Was at a local night club. Our wedding day when he went looking for me in a taxi and I was still stuck at the hairdressers.

All these memories are from journal no 6 started on 1st Jan 2000. Loads of stuff, memories good and bad which one day I may write about.Thanks for reading