Things that get on my pip

I have decided to make a list of 10 things that get on my pip. There is probably more. Maybe in another blog post, I will list things that make me smile.


1 – Walking in town especially in Guildford people who walk towards you (before self-distancing days)….and expect you to be the one that will move. One day this happened in town when I was with son no 2 and I turned to him and said “Oh dear…I forgot that I thought I left my invisibility cloak at home”

2 – Being called “dear”.Don’t mind “love”….”darling”….”Pet” I can cope with but “dear” makes me cringe.

3 – When someone gives you the lookup and down……I am sure you all know what I mean for example… speak to someone in passing and they either totally blank you or look at you witheringly (is that a word – TJ – yes it is you just misspelt!).

4 – When my hair is pink….(at the moment it’s waiting for a re-pink /cut) and when you are walking along the path and coming towards you they say “Are you a bit too old for that”…It has happened a few times.

5 – Walking along the path and 4/5 youngsters are walking towards you and you are the one that steps into the road as you pass.

6 – People assuming that as you come for the North … are a bit thick….yes it happens.

7 – this is harder than I thought but I will go on…….People that do not always get my blunt Northern humour/and my family’s black humour. There have been times in work that I have got into trouble for it. (Not just you – it’s happened to me! TJ)

8 – Discovering that the 5 books I took ages to find at my last library visit…….were ones that I already had…….happened to me last month.

9 – Being so behind with Christmas shopping this year

10 – This list…….it was harder than I thought.

Readers thoughts on “10 things on” would be lovely. If you are on my Facebook friend list you can always ask. Byeeee.