Snippets From Childhood.

As we get older we begin the forget some stuff that happens in our childhood

I can remember my first day at school very clearly….it was a long walk along a very busy road to a village school. My dad was in the army at that time and stationed at a place called High Lee in Cheshire. My main memory from that day was being given I seem to remember a slate and being asked to try and write my name…..I had no idea and tried to copy from the girl I was sat next to.

Milk came in each day in those little bottles that use to freeze up in the winter. Horrible and warm in the summer.

My other memory from that school is a Christmas party when the teachers were fed up of taking the kids over the yard to the toilets. They made the decision and said no one else could go. As Santa was due to arrive……and guess what….yes.The feeling built up until I could hold on no longer and I wet myself. The others sitting next to me realized what had happened and drew away from me with sniggers and whispers. When Santa appeared they all rushed forward to greet him…..apart from me, I was mortified and in my mind thought that if I stayed where I was no one would notice. A memory I have never forgotten.

A memory of a visit from the school dentist actually at school. I needed a tooth out and it was my birthday. I remember the smell of a bunsen burner and the pain I felt. My nana had sent me toffees for my birthday and I was not allowed them.

Moving to Peterlee Country Durham when my dad left the army…..we had a back garden to play in…..” shops” and mudpies” were what we played often. Not really allowed out in the front street apart from when we had snow and we were allowed out to play in the snow….which was strange because as we got older we were allowed to go up the swings and play down the dean

I used to be told to take my youngest brother out in his pram and bring him back when he was asleep. I remember one time he was kneeling and looking the way we were walking when he toppled but thankfully was in reigns so just dangled. I never told my mum and only confessed to my dad when I was a married woman.

Cold and wet days would find me playing with paper….even back then I loved paper. If someone had given my mum a pile of magazines I would badger her until I was allowed to “cut them out”….various imaginary games with the characters that I cut out.

always lovely a new paintbox at Christmas……and I used to get passed to me The Bunty and The School Friend and the as I grew into teenage years….thoughts of boys, crushes on school teachers and pop stars began to appear……but that will be another blog x