When I cannot sleep instead of counting sheep…..I try and go through the alphabet and try to cover all letters with literature.I never reach the end so here goes.

A.Anna Sewell who wrote Black Beauty, TheAtticus Finch-character from To Kill a Mocking Bird,The ABC Murders.

by Agatha Christi and off course the book, Alice In Wonderland…Lewis Carrol the author used to have a townhouse in town

B… Beowulf….English Literature, Beauty and The Beast-a fairy tale,The Bennett family from Pride and Prejudice, Ballet Shoes by Noel Steatfield,The BFG.

C…Charles Dickens, Catherine Cookson-from my neck of the woods, The Chrysalids by John Wyndham-I love dystopian type novels,one of my favourite genres,Cider With Rosie-Laurie Lee.

D…Dracula,Dune,Dan Brown the author,David Copperfield,Donby and Son,Dear Olly by Michael Morpurgo- my favourite author of the moment, Demon Dentist-David Walliams, Day of The Triffids-John Wyndham.

E.Earth Abides-George R Martin-a dystopian novel about most of the world’s population dies of a measles,flu type virus, East of Eden.

F…Farenheit 451, Firefly Summer Maeve Binchy, Frederick Forsyth/Author, Frankenstein-Mary Shelley, Famous Five-Enid Blyton….I found these stories very alike,The Fox and the Ghost King-Michael Morpurgo….on my bookshelf awaiting to be read.

G…The Great Gatsby-read the book/seen the movie—excellent, Gullivers Travels….I read the Ladybird version, Grimms Fairy Tales, Georges Marvelous Medicine by Roald Dahl…another on my shelf, Gangsta Granny by another David Walliams….I have read,The Giver,I have read the book and watched the movie,The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck,Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell.

H…The Handmaids Tale by Margaret Attwood-one on my list,Hamlet by Shakespeare, Hamnet….a novel about Shakespeare’s son, Harry Potter all the books, Heidi-who read this as a little girl.

I…Ian Flemming-James Bond creator,I am Legend-not read but I saw the movie starring Will Smith,

J…John Lennon in his own Write.Jane Austen-the Georgian writer,Jo’s Boys,Jane Eyre,The Jungle Book,Jabbawocky.James Bond one of Ian Flemings’s characters.

K…Ken Follett an author, Kingsley Amis-Author The Kingsman-a new franchise created by Mark MillarDave Gibbons,Katie Mc Holland -written by Catherine Cookson,Keats the poet.Kes -a story about a kestral by David Bradley.

L..Lady Chatterley Lover, Lolita, Lorna Doone, Little Women, Little Men,Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens,The Lion,The Witch and the Wardrobe by C S  Lewis, Lord Of The Flies by William Golding,I had to read this for O level English.

M.Middlemarch, Michael Morpurgo, Murder on the Orient Express, Murder at the Vicarage…a dear friend has acted in this at production on stage  The mousetrap all Agatha Christie.and Miss Marple, Mansfield Park.

N. Northanger Abbey,The Notebook,The Naked Civil Servant by Quentin Crisp, North and South -a classic about the differences between the North and The South.

O…On The Beach by Neville Shute-one of my all-time favourites,The Old Curiosity Shop by Dickens,On The Banks of Plum Creek by Laura Ingalls Wilder…have this on my shelf.

P.Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen-I have read this for O level, Persuasion,The Pickwick Papers by Dickens, Polly anna- I have read this, Pippi Longstocking-another read, Peter Pan-I gave up on the original as I found it disturbing, but was able to read the Ladybird edition, Peyton Place.

Q.???????????? Sorry.

R.Roninson Cruscoe-another one where I read the Ladybird Edition, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, The Remains of the Day,

S, Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, Swallows and Amazons….I loved this. Swiss Family Robinson, Secret Seven Books by Enid Blighton, Stig of The Dump, The Secret Garden.

T. Tolstoy,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Tenant of Wildfall Hall, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins, The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, Tess of the D’Urbervilles,

U.Under Milk Wood.


W.War of The Worlds, Wuthering Heights…got an abridged version to read, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The Wombles, War Horse-read the book but have not seen the movie,

XYZzzzzzzzz…Have you fallen asleep yet.I hope I have not bored you.